Beautiful Blog

Artistic proposal for the Day of the Book

Caged? Homage to the book in times of confinement

The 3d visualization studio «Feeel» and the illustrator Malagueña Virginia Brun present on the International Day of the Book an artistic proposal with which they seek to make the public reflect on how to escape from that cage in which we find ourselves during this confinement.

These are six illustrations in which the main theme is a person who is locked in a cage from which he can only escape through his own imagination, powered by reading.

«It is a tribute to the Book. Today more than ever we consider that its function is incredible since it allows us to escape from this dark period and take us to other fantastic worlds. We also wanted to reflect on the excessive consumption of television and screens in these days of confinement and the great alternative that we have thanks to books «, comment the creators of this artistic proposal for International Book Day.

The infographics have been made by the 3d visualization studio «Feeel» and the characters illustrated by «Virginia Brun».

 Feeel 3d Virginia Brun


1 Netflix

Netflix. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


In this first illustration we tell what a large part of the population is doing from our point of view. We lay on the sofa, take the blanket and play netflix. And we consume entertainment all day long…


2. Library

book's day

Library. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


What if, instead of being locked in a space full of screens, we were confined in a library full of books on Book day? The paradigm changes. Consumption would be much slower, healthier…


3 Fly

Fly. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


Cuando te pones delante de un libro, sea cual fuere, llega un momento en el que entras en la historia. Te evades de lo que tienes alrededor y pasas a un nuevo mundo. Es la magia de los libros. Te obligan a concentrarte tanto que puedes abandonar un lugar e ir a otro.  

When you stand in front of a book, whatever it may be, there comes a time when you enter  the story. You evade what you have around you and you are in a new world. They make you concentrate s so much that you can leave one place and be in another one.

En esta infografía un rayo de luz entra por uno de los lados de la biblioteca. Tira ciertos libros que no caen al suelo si no que vuelan por el aire, ingrávidos. Estamos en una nueva situación la cual se aleja de la realidad.

In this 3d illustration, a ray of light enters one of the sides of the library. This ray throws certain books that do not fall to the ground but fly through the air, weightless. We are in a new situation which is moving away from reality.

4 Ficciones

Ficciones. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


Magic has already entered our space. I am already inside the book that has appropriated my life and my circumstances. I no longer know if I am in the same cage, or am in a fictionalized place in the book.

We have chosen a fragment of the book «Ficciones» by Jorge Luis Borges which is one of our favorite books. The typical book that we would take without a doubt to a desert island.

Original fragment of «Ficciones»:

No es exagerado afirmar que la cultura clásica de Tlön comprende una sola disciplina: la psicología. Las otras están subordinadas a ella. He dicho que los hombres de ese planeta conciben como una serie de procesos mentales, que no se desenvuelven en el espacio sino de modo sucesivo en el tiempo. 


5 The cage opens

Open Cage. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


At the end we find the key that opens this cage, by reading. The walls fall down and the exterior enters our space, mixing with our reality.

Original fragment of «Ficciones»:

Una de las escuelas de Tlön llega a negar el tiempo: razona que el presente es indefinido, que el futuro no tiene realidad sino como esperanza presente, que el pasado no tiene realidad sino como recuerdo presente. Otra, que mientras dormimos aquí, estamos despiertos en otro lado y que así cada hombre es dos hombres. 


6 Sailing

Sailing. Contenido creado por Feeel y Virginia Brun


About Feeel 3d and Virginia Brun:

  • Feeel, creative studio for 3d visualization of projects related to Architecture, Interior Design and Culture.
  • Virginia Brun, illustrator and graphic designer.

You can follow this project on their Instagram:

 Feeel 3d   Virginia Brun